Year 5 Curriculum

About Year 5

Year 5 is an opportunity for children to use the knowledge they have obtained over previous years and put it into practise! We provide them with the chance to experience the life of an evacuee during World War 2; travel out of this world to investigate our solar system; take a ride down a river to discover the journey it takes from source to mouth and turn back time to explore the life and death of Ancient Egyptians. There is also an opportunity for your child to embrace their PSHE skills and put them into practise by raising awareness and money for one of the schools chosen charities.

Curriculum Information Presentation
Curriculum Information
Home Learning
How parents can support children at home

Every week, children will receive a spelling test based on the spelling rules required of them, either with the Year 3/4 or 5/6 statutory spelling lists. Practise of these rules at home weekly is vital. We also ask that children read at least 5 times a week with an adult and you ask them questions based around the text to deepen their comprehension and understanding.


Times tables are a vital stepping stone to most areas of the mathematics curriculum. To help your children recall their times tables more rapidly and accurately, provide them with fun, motivational and engaging opportunities, such as using Times Tables Rockstars and Hit the Button.


Every Friday, children will receive homework for Maths and English: it is good for them to complete it independently but also crucial that they are supported if they are demonstrating any misconceptions.


If your child shows a particular interest in any aspect of the curriculum, such as art or science, please encourage this through further learning opportunities such as trips out, practical activities or experiments at home!

Spelling Support
Useful Websites