Year 4 Curriculum

About Year 4

Welcome to Year 4. We are made up of two classes: 4B (Mrs Burns) and 4SA (Mrs Shell-Allen). We have access to additional learning spaces outside the classroom which we use for a range of reasons. The children visit the library every week (on a Thursday morning) where they have the opportunity to pick a reading book that engages and fosters a love of reading. We promote a love of reading using the library as well as our Year 4 outdoor space (when the weather permits). Within the classroom, children have a range of resources readily available to use. We use English, Maths and Science working walls which constantly change to reflect the learning. We also have a Topic wall outside the classrooms which shows the progression and journey the children will embark throughout the half term. Please look at our curriculum overview below, which explains our exciting topics in more detail. 

Curriculum Information Presentation
Curriculum Information
Home Learning
How parents can support children at home

Every week, children will receive the spellings we have learnt in class, which will need to be practised at home. We also ask that children read at least 5 times a week and that you take the time to listen to and discuss their reading book with them. Regular practise of times tables will benefit the children in building up fluency in mathematics; Times Tables Rockstars can support your child with this.

Spelling Support
Useful Websites

Maths games (free)


Hit the button (multiplication)

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (


BBC Bitesize


Times Table Rockstars


Dance Mat typing