School Meals

Our hot school meals are provided by HC3S

(Hampshire County Council Catering Services)

What HC3S say:

"Our tasty, freshly cooked, nutritious dishes help your children flourish and reach their potential. As part of a balanced diet, our lunches provide a third of a child’s daily calorie intake, to aid concentration levels and give them energy to focus and to play.  All infant and reception children can receive a free school lunchtime meal through central Government funding called Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM). Families are not means tested!  If you meet the criteria for a statutory free school meal, you should let your school know so that they can claim a Government payment called Pupil Premium. This means your school gets double funded and it can be used to benefit your child as well as their school.  Pupil Premium is available when your child moves to junior school too if you are eligible so it’s worth a check. It is a vital source of extra funding.  All our classics menus follow the School Food Standards by the Government which are designed to help children follow healthy eating habits from a range of food across the week." 


Link to HC3S website


We are a NUT FREE school. No products which may contain nut or trace of nut are allowed in school.

No chocolate spreads, satay or Kinder products please. Thank you for your support in keeping our students and staff safe.


PLEASE NOTE: If your child is late in to school our catering team will do their best to provide the lunch of choice, but options may be limited depending on the time of arrival.

If your child arrives after 10.00am you will be required to provide a Packed Lunch for your child - unless you have called prior to this time and placed an order. (Please speak to a member of staff or email the office as orders made in advance on Arbor will be overwritten in the case of absences.)


 (Amendment to Menu Nov 2024 - April 2025 Week 3 Wednesday - Green Option: Margarita Pizza)

Selection of meal options

HC3S also offer Jacket Potatoes with cheese, beans and/or tuna everyday.


Medical Special Diet

To pay for school dinners log in to the Arbor Parent Portal or App.

Children in year R, 1 and 2 are entitled to universal infant free school meals.  From year 3 onwards, the charge is £3.00 per day, unless you qualify for benefits related free school meals.

If you qualify for benefits related free school meals (pupil premium) please follow the link below to complete the application.


Packed Lunches


If you decide to send your children into school with a packed lunch we ask that you ensure that it is healthy and does not contain any chocolate, sweets or nut products.


Below is a link to the NHS website which has a range of ideas for school packed lunch boxes.


NHS Healthier Families - Recipes for healthier lunchboxes

"Whether squeezing it in before the school run in the morning or before bed on busy midweek evenings, preparing your child's lunchbox can seem like just another thing on the list. School meals are a great choice, but if you do make a packed lunch for your child then we've got you covered with our range of quick, easy, healthier lunchbox ideas and tips."