Design Technology



The National Curriculum states that, “Design and technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Using creativity and imagination, pupils design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. They acquire a broad range of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art.


By the end of their time at Chalk Ridge all children will have opportunities to:

  • design appealing products for a purpose;
  • communicate their ideas in different forms such as in discussion, annotated sketches and by creating prototypes;
  • select and safely use a range of tools and equipment;
  • develop skills in joining, cutting, and shaping;
  • understand and use mechanical systems such as gears, pulleys, cams and levers;
  • to safely explore electricity to create moving or light up elements to a product;
  • investigate and analyse a range of existing products;
  • evaluate their product and consider ways they could improve the strength and stability.



In the Early Years Foundation Stage, design and technology forms part of the learning children acquire under the ‘Knowledge and Understanding of the World' branch of the Foundation Stage curriculum, which also covers geography, history, ICT, and science.

In KS1 and KS2, children continue to build on their design technology either through weekly lessons or blocked sessions depending on the nature of the project.

As a school we follow ‘Kapow’ planning which ensures there is a progression of skills and knowledge. See below for our overview:





Early Years

Structures: Junk modelling

Textiles: Bookmarks

Structures: Boats

Year 1

Structures: Constructing a windmill

Textiles: Puppets


Year 2


Structures: Baby Bear’s Chair

Mechanisms: Fairground wheels

Mechanisms: Making a moving monster

Year 3

Cooking and nutrition: Eating seasonally

Digital world: Wearable technology

Structures: Constructing a castle

Year 4


Structure: Pavilions

Mechanical systems: Making a slingshot car

Electrical systems: Torches

Year 5

Electrical systems: Doodlers

Mechanical systems: Making a pop-up book

Developing a recipe

Year 6


Craft and design Photo opportunity

Structure: playgrounds

Sculpture and 3D: Making memories

*Correct as of January 2024.


We also adhere to the Kapow created risk assessments to ensure children and  adults use equipment correctly and safely. High-risk equipment is stored in a locked cupboard.



Pupils enjoy, and are successful in, developing their knowledge and skills during design technology lessons.

We measure impact through:

  • keeping track of individual’s work;
  • half-termly meetings with children to discuss design technology to help make improvements and celebrate their successes;
  • ensuring the planning is followed, with necessary tweaks to support learners in the classroom. Following the planning ensures a progression of skills.


Observation of teaching and learning shows:

  • teachers have a good level of subject knowledge;
  • confident children developing their independence and resilience;
  • children enjoy design technology lessons;
  • verbal feedback is constructive and allows children to develop their skills;
  • children are able to use and explain the meaning of subject specific vocabulary;
  • teachers use a range of questioning to explore children’s understanding;
  • children’s misconceptions are addressed through oral feedback;
  • children feel confident to trial different ideas and see this as part of the learning journey even if (and when) mistakes are made.