School Vacancies
Parent Governor
Chalk Ridge Primary School has always aimed for a strong partnership with its parents, to give all our children the best possible start we can. One of the most important ways you could help us with this, is to think about becoming a Parent Governor.
The school’s governors support your children in three important ways:
• to make sure that the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction
• they hold me to account for the educational performance of Chalk Ridge and its pupils;
• they oversee the financial performance of the school and making sure our money is well spent.
Parent Governors are always valued members of the school team. They play a really vital role by making sure that all governors are aware of parents’ views - and those of other people in our community. They aren’t a spokesperson for the views of parents though. They just provide a ‘parental viewpoint’ i.e. they are ‘representative parents’, not ‘representatives of parents’!
We are sure that some of you would be prepared to take on this important role, and give some time and commitment to help with our continuing drive to provide the best education we possibly can for all our wonderful children. We’ll support you with training of course, in house and professional, and you’ll have a mentor to support you too. Many governors find that they learn skills through this volunteering, which help them in their workplace too.
Parent governors are a key part of our Governing Body, performing the same role as all other governors. This involves attendance at Governing Body meetings (typically held in school and during early evening), active engagement in the work of one or more of our committees, a commitment to attending training (both on-line and in person) and being able to come in to school for planned governor visits during the school day - vital if we are to fully understand, support and challenge our school.
We make every effort to minimise the amount of time required of all new governors to get fully engaged, but applicants should consider the nature of the effort and activities involved.
Anyone wishing to understand more should contact the school and ask to have a chat to the Chair of Governors.
More information is attached an you can find it on the Hampshire Governor Services website too.
You do need to note that, for the protection of our children, all governor appointments are subject to an identity and DBS check.
If you feel you can help us, you can download an application form here. If you’d prefer a printed copy, just email the school office
Completed applications should be returned for the attention of Miss S Jackson, Headteacher, Chalk Ridge Primary School, Sullivan Road, Brighton Hill, Basingstoke RG22 4ER or emailed to the school office as above.
If there are more applications than vacancies, we will hold an election and you will be sent a voting paper when the time comes, which you will be able to return via your child or by post.